Sunday, June 23, 2024
Saturday, June 1, 2024
Heaven got a very special angel...
Heaven got a very special angel on May 21st, 2024. We lost our baby P.J.. We think he was around fifteen. He made it almost a year after starting to have the spells he had. I don't know why it has taken me so long to post this; I guess it just wasn't easy. He was one of the best cats we'd ever had. He was my little Pooh Bear. We went ahead that day and made the decision, as he wasn't eating, drinking or using the litter box. That part seemed to happen fast. We think he was starting to shut down, and we didn't want him to suffer. It was hard, because he fussed some on the way and at the vets, and it broke my heart. The vet and the tech told us we did the right thing. We don't have emergency vets in our city anymore, so you can't take them in after hours. It went smoothly and very quickly; the vet said he was ready to go. He had told us he was dehydrated, etc.. We buried him just a little ways a way from where Smokey is buried. We buried him with some of his toys that he loved. I still need to order him a marker. I'm thinking I'll order one for Smokey too, as the marker that is at his spot doesn't have his name on it.
I'll have to share in another post P.J.'s story and some of our memories. He was so vocal and quite the character at times, but also so sweet!!! I sometimes called him a gentle giant.