Thursday, December 25, 2014

Our little angel went to heaven 12-24-14

We lost our baby Gigi yesterday.  Missing her so much!  She passed on Christmas Eve around 8:00 A.M.. She was such a sweet girl!  She was my Snuggle Bunny.  I'm so glad that we had her in our lives.  Miss her!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Going to add...

Think I will add this little guy to the quilt I made.  They seem to match in colors.  :)  He was sewn from a panel I bought.

My First Quilt...

Hooray!  I finished my first quilt.  And it only took two years!  I am so  This is the first quilt with blocks, that I did completely by myself.  I started on it two years ago; got the blocks sewn together.  Then the other night I did the pinning of the layers and quilted it.  So happy!  I had a night where I felt better than usual, so I took advantage of it.  Donating it to a children's charity that needs them. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Chi Chi as a baby...

Heaven got a new angel...

Heaven got a furry angel today.  We lost our Chi Chi today.  We had her for ten and a half years.  We were blessed especially to have her the last eight months, because she survived a blood clot that blocked the blood flow to her hind leg, due to Cardiomyopathy.  She also overcame a couple more blood clots, and the vet called her a miracle kitty, because it is not the norm for them to survive even the first one.  She was so special!  We will miss her so much!
The vet commented today how soft her fur was, that she had bunny fur.  

Heaven got a new furry angel today... 04/18/2014

We lost our sweet Chi Chi today.  We will miss her so much!  She was such a good girl! 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Haven't posted in a while...

Sorry I haven't posted in so long.  It's now 2014.  2013 saw some good changes and bad changes.  The good; Miley came into our lives.  The bad: Phil's mother died and our sweet Chi Chi started throwing blood clots due to Cardiomyopathy.  She threw another one last night that was like her initial one she had in August.  She threw another one a few weeks ago, but recovered from it very quickly, so we assumed it was a small one.  With this one, she is once again unable to use that right back leg.  There is so much worry, uncertainty and unknown with this.  All we can do is pray and give it to God.  Every day we have with her is a blessing! 
As for other things going on.  Smokey recovered from his cold and Gigi is doing better.  She has had chronic problems with upper respiratory and stomach issues.  Trying the L-Lysine to help with that and going to try another food. 
I still have the Meniere's and Neurocardiogenic Sycope.  Still have a bit of allergies and dealing with a chronic sinus infection.  Having a lot of fatigue and feeling down at times.  Just taking things a day at a time.  Try to remember every day where I am blessed! 
Wishing you all the best, and hope God is in your life.  :)